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Muhammad Abbas


What is Acne Vulgaris? 

Acne vulgaris is a common form of acne marked by the inflammation, inflammatory and non-inflammatory skin lesions. Although it may spread to the neck, chest, and back, this form of acne usually affects the face. Some typical effects of acne vulgaris may include post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, scarring, and psychological and mental difficulties linked to acne.

On the other hand, pimples are a frequent skin condition that are brought on by either enlarged oil glands or an increased concentration of germs that produce pimples. They are typically seen as a sign of acne, which comes in a wide variety of types. For instance, cysts, whiteheads, and blackheads. The explanation of each is provided below:

Types of Acne? Pimples on Face:

Whiteheads (Comedones that stay close to the skin's surface, they appear as white bumps under the skin). Blackheads (Hair follicles that appear as black or yellowish bumps on the skin surface. They are filled with excessive oil and dead skin cells). Papules (red or pink pimples on the skin caused by inflamed comedones. This kind of pimple is extremely touch-sensitive). Pustules (This is an inflamed pimple that is filled with white or yellow pus.

Picking or squeezing them can cause scars or dark spots on the skin). Nodules (They are large inflamed bumps that feel firm to the touch. They are typically painful and form deep onto the skin. Large, pus-filled sores that resemble boils are called cysts. They are regarded as a more serious type of acne. An accumulation of yeast in hair follicles causes fungal acne, which is an inflammatory, irritating acne. Hormonal acne is brought on by an excess of sebum that clogs pores.

Acne V.s Pimples what is the difference?

Acne vs. pimple what is the difference? Pimples are a symptom of acne. Acne is characterized by pimples. The accumulation of dead skin cells and oil in the hair follicles is what causes acne. Bacteria that get stuck in closed pores is what create pimples. Although the precise origin of acne is unknown, there are a number of over-the-counter, prescription, and self-care products that can help you get rid of acne and the pimples that come along with it.



How to remove Acne Scars? How to remove Acne Scars Naturally? 

Acne can leave scars on the skin. Although acne scars are difficult to remove. But treatment options can depend on natural over-the-counter and prescription medicine. For example chemical peels, such as salicylic acid, retinoids and laser treatment or surgery. Moreover, eating a balanced diet and certain nutrients may help with skin health and reduce acne lesions. It is also the best possible solution to naturally maintaining skin health in addition to drinking plenty of water. Some of the nutrients that might be helpful include Vitamin A, and C, Zinc, Omega 3 fatty acids, Collagen Black seed oil etc. 

What Causes Acne?

When oil and dead skin cells clog hair follicles, acne develops. This blockage is referred to as plug or comedone. The causes for this can be hormonal changes, bacteria, medications, stress and genetics.

Acne that is also known as Acne Vulgaris is an inflammatory disorder of the skin. For most people, acne tends to go away by the time they reach their thirties, but some older adults continue to have that problem. 

How to get rid of acne Scars? How to Treat Acne?

A mix of lifestyle modifications, over-the-counter treatments, prescription drugs, and home remedies can be used to cure most kinds of acne. Some the treatments for acne are lifestyle modifications. (Use lukewarm water and a mild cleanser to wash your face twice a day; stay away from oil-based makeup and sunscreens; eat a balanced, healthful diet; and refrain from picking and squeezing pimples.)

Over-the-Counter Products (To exfoliate and unclog pores, use topical retinoid cream). Prescription Drugs: Take oral drugs such as erythromycin and tetracyclines. Home remedies and nutrition include: Use antioxidant-rich green tea. It will lessen irritation and the production of sebum.

Does Coffee causes Acne? How to prevent Acne?

Similarly, if we talk about caffeine/ coffee intake, it does not directly cause acne. But it can make acne symptoms worse for some people considering the fact that what you are putting in your coffee and the quality you are consuming. How can we prevent acne flare-ups? You can prevent flare-ups by washing your face frequently with a good cleanser, using oil-free skin care products, try removing makeup thoroughly before bed, try using over-the-counter acne treatments containing benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. 

What are the main causes of Acne?

It has been proven from various studies that the main cause of acne is the clogging of hair follicles due to the buildup of excessive sebum (oil) produced by sebaceous glands. If we were to categorize the three main causes of acne they would be: 1- Excess or high production of oil in pores 2- Buildup of dead skin cells in pores 3- Growth of bacteria in pores. If proper care is not taken there is a likely chance of pores getting blocked. Each pore in the skin opens up to a follicle.

A follicle contains a hair and oil gland. The oil released by the glands helps remove old skin cells that keep your skin supple. The glands can get blocked with a mixture of oil and skin cells. The blockage is called a plug. A whitehead occurs when the plug's top turns white. On the other hand, a blackhead is a plug with a dark top. Pimples are the result of the body's immune system reacting to microorganisms that become trapped in it. 

How do I clear up my Acne?

Although acne can be painful it can be treated and cured using the right steps. To clear up acne you should: Cleanse regularly, moisturize appropriately with Aloe Vera, don't pick or pop your pimples, consult a dermatologist, use apple cider vinegar, take a good multivitamin supplement, spot treat with tea tree oil, take omega 3 supplement, exfoliate regularly and follow a low glycemic index diet. Following all these will be a sure way to clear up your skin and reduce the associated symptoms of acne. 

Is Acne the same as Pimples?

Acne and pimples are frequently used synonymously. However, they are actually rather different. Are pimples and acne the same thing? The explanation is that pimples and acne are not the same thing. Pimples are a symptom of the skin disorder acne. In other words, pimples are a sign of acne. One could argue that acne is a general term that refers to a variety of skin conditions.

A pimple, on the other hand, is a solitary, localized skin lump that may be a component of acne. If we were to provide technical definitions for both concepts. The skin disorder known as acne causes pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads to form when oil and dead skin cells clog hair follicles. Whereas, a pimple is a single inflamed bump on the skin with a white or black head, which can be caused by acne. 

Proper Treatment Regimen:

Acne and pimples can be prevented by following a proper skin care and nutrition regimen. Some of the skincare treatments that helps treat acne and pimples include: Benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, retinol hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid and niacinamide. In addition to that try applying oil-free moisturizers after cleansing. Try wearing sunscreen during the day. Avoid popping, picking, or squeezing your pimples. Avoid using products with alcohol, toners and exfoliates. If we talk about following a good diet. Try consuming 7-8 glasses of water.

Keep detox water at hand. Try consuming foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like fish, nuts, and seeds. Additionally try consuming zinc-rich foods like (pumpkin seeds), antioxidants from brightly coloured foods like fruits and vegetables, fiber-rich foods like wholegrain, low glycemic index foods to avoid sugar spikes and lastly limit heavy dairy products that may contribute to acne. Consult a dietitian for expert advice on your acne condition. 

Conclusion about Acne Face:

In conclusion, acne is a common skin condition where pores of your skin clog. Pore blockade leads to the production of blackheads, whiteheads and other types of pimples. Pimples are unpleasant, pus-filled pimples on the skin that can make you itchy and inflamed.

Fungal acne, cystic acne, hormonal acne, and nodular acne are among the several forms of acne. Acne and pimples are common problems these days that can affect your self-esteem and mood. Sometimes acne is known to leave permanent skin damage and scarring. It is best to take care of your skin by using good skin care products, drinking enough water, taking care of your diet, avoiding excessive sweets and consulting your dermatologist about your skin condition.

Acne on the face is very common these days and it can be treated by using simple remedial measures. Like wash the problem area with a gentle cleanser, try over-the-counter acne products to dry excessive oil from the skin, avoid irritants, protect your skin from the sun, avoid excessive rubbing and pressure on the skin, and take a shower after strenuous activity.

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