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Vitamins and Minerals for Muscle Building

Vitamins and Minerals for Muscle Building

Vitamins and Minerals for Muscle Building

Are you getting an adequate amount of micronutrients?

A deficiency of vitamins and minerals can lead to low muscle building even if you are working out regularly in the gym. Vitamins and minerals build a base foundation for recovery and strength in your body.

Along with muscle building and structural strength, these essential micronutrients act at the cellular base, fight off the effect of free radicals, and diminish oxidative stress. Furthermore, they assist in the formation of collagen, repair of membranes, and maintain the flexibility and contractions of muscles.

Following is the list of various vitamins and minerals which are ranked as most the effective micro-nutrients in the growth of muscles and tissues.

Vitamin B complexes

The B complex vitamins offer the energy which is required in the processes of healing, repair, and protein metabolism. Vitamin b helps the body make new cells and tissues that ultimately promote muscle-building growth.

All complex vitamins deliver different benefits as they have other functions in muscle building. B6 enhances endurance levels which improves athletic performance. B12 vitamin is known to produce healthy red blood cells that provide oxygen to the muscles. However, vitamin B3 improves the vascularity of muscles among athletes.

    Vitamin C

    Vitamin c has other functions too other than providing immunity. When we do a workout, our body’s muscle tissues get damaged and free radicals are produced causing oxidative stress on muscles. vitamin C has a wide range of antioxidants in it which possesses radical scavenging properties to make the muscles more resilient and tough. This vitamin has a prominent role in muscle and tissue development and can do miracles if taken regularly.

    Vitamin E and beta Carotene

    These two important components reduce the damage to muscles that are induced in the process of exercise. Moreover, just like vitamin C, they are antioxidants that diminish the effects of oxidative stress and fight off inflammation. Vitamin E, C and Beta Carotene reduce DOMS aka delayed onset muscle soreness.

    Vitamin D

    The sunshine vitamin has its role in various important bodily functions such as bone health, absorption of phosphorus, and calcium or brain health.

    Furthermore, the consumption of adequate vitamin D can promote lean muscle building and its deficiency can cause muscle cramps and weakness in the body. Also, vitamin D enhances the levels of testosterone.


    Along with strengthening bones, calcium have a part in muscle building too. This mineral helps the body to support the movement of muscles, regulating blood pressure and keeping blood vessels in shape. Calcium helps in the regulation of muscle contractions, clotting of blood in the body, and nerve conductions.


    The most common and important function of iron?

    Production of hemoglobin which delivers oxygen to the body through red blood cells. Iron deficiency is considered one of the most common deficiencies of micro-nutrients among athletes and it impairs the functioning of muscles and reduces work capacity.

    Furthermore in muscle cells, iron is also a component of myoglobin, cytochromes, and, other different enzymes which also aid in the metabolism and transportation of oxygen during endurance exercises for the production of aerobic production.


    Consider zinc after intense workouts if you want to accelerate your recovery of muscles. intake of this trace mineral helps the body in wound healing, maintaining a healthy and adequate blood supply, promoting immunity, and helping the body to metabolize carbs, fats, and proteins. Zinc also regulates the basal metabolic rate and thyroid levels and testosterone levels. Zinc is also considered efficient after stressful workouts.


    Magnesium along with other fluids can be lost after heavy workouts. It is responsible for healthy bones and heart rhythm. Also, magnesium is involved in the delivery of oxygen, the synthesis of proteins, and in the regulation of muscle contractions in the body.


    A mineral, which acts as a cofactor of insulin and is involved in the ergogenic effects. Moreover, chromium facilitates the transport of branched-chain amino acids into the muscles. This mineral is recommended for strength-type athletes and enhances endurance levels in aerobic performances.


    A mineral that has a significant role in the prevention of peroxidation of red blood cell membranes and structures of muscle cells that are involved in the metabolism of oxygen. This mineral may have an enhancing property of endurance levels in the aerobic type of exercise.

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